NOC - National Oil Corporation
NOC stands for National Oil Corporation
Here you will find, what does NOC stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate National Oil Corporation? National Oil Corporation can be abbreviated as NOC What does NOC stand for? NOC stands for National Oil Corporation. What does National Oil Corporation mean?The Libya based company is located in Benghazi, Banghazi engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of NOC
- The Networking Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Nantahala Outdoors Center
- Networks Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Network Operations Center
- Network Operations Center
- Nantahala Outdoor Center
View 83 other definitions of NOC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- NFAG Nectar Financial AG
- NAPCS National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
- NHG Nursing Hygiene Group
- NBP New Berlin Plastics
- NAL Network Alliance Ltd
- NHC Nursing Home Careers
- NRECC Northwest Real Estate Capital Corp.
- NEF Nations Equipment Finance
- NGSA Nexus Group S.A.
- NUHNHST Newham University Hospital NHS Trust
- NRU National Ribat University
- NGLC Nomen Global Language Centers
- NDJ Nems Daily Journal
- NMH National Maternity Hospital
- NMS National Marketing Services
- NBEG National Bureau of Enforcement of Georgia
- NCIA Northern Corridor Implementation Authority
- NWC Nike Web Consulting
- NTCU National Television Company of Ukraine
- NWLHIN North West Local Health Integration Network